About Us
About Us

Dearest Majikal Being,

Welcome fellow Starseeds, Light Leaders, Power-preneurs, Passionate Multi’s and Devoted Ascension-Bunnies. Let’s enter the enchanting realm of Elestial Arts Creative Studios! I am delighted to be here with you!

Your presence here is deeply celebrated. Thank you for being here, thank you for being you, and thank you for being part of this majikal journey.

I am all about Light Alchemy, Aligning & Attuning Frequency, Cultivating Beauty, and Dancing with Majik, weaving all these elements into our very real and very human experience on this Earth plane.

Through all my vocational work, I endeavour to support people to remember their magnificence, amplify their power, embolden their innate majik, delight in their souls inspiration.

I love to witness beings actualise dream realities through brave and loving action, whilst building an ever-deepening relationship with their own heart — fostering kindness, empowerment, confidence, acceptance, and love within themselves and in their world. I LOVE to see people thriving in their innate gifts, sharing their Unique Mystique, and owning their oracular majik!

With the powerful tools and understandings made available through light alchemy, quantum mechanics, ancient majik and ritual, aelf-Accountable awareness & action, and a deeply attuned relationship with the field around us, we can truly shift our experience of the world to a place of great wonderment, abundance, enjoyment, and delight!

Let’s traverse the expansive landscapes where humanity and majik meet, where science and spirituality dance, exploring the ancient wisdom of frequency majik, alchemy, transcendence, and the beauty way, alongside quantum physics, neuroscience, quantum biology, the human psyche, the nervous system, and the human experience.

Let’s explore together, ignite our curiosity, and be part of a collective conversation that transcends the ordinary. Together, we’ll chart the uncharted and celebrate the wondrous tapestry of our shared multidimensional journey.

Excited to dive in with you!

With Love and Majik,

Dearest Majikal Being

Welcome fellow Starseeds, Light Leaders, Power-preneurs, Passionate Multi’s and Devoted Ascension-Bunnies. Let’s enter the enchanting realm of Elestial Arts Creative Studios! I am delighted to be here with you!

Your presence here is deeply celebrated. Thank you for being here, thank you for being you, and thank you for being part of this majikal journey.

I am all about Light Alchemy, Aligning & Attuning Frequency, Cultivating Beauty, and Dancing with Majik, weaving all these elements into our very real and very human experience on this Earth plane.

Through all my vocational work, I endeavour to support people to remember their magnificence, amplify their power, embolden their innate majik, delight in their souls inspiration.

I love to witness beings actualise dream realities through brave and loving action, whilst building an ever-deepening relationship with their own heart — fostering kindness, empowerment, confidence, acceptance, and love within themselves and in their world.

I LOVE to see people thriving in their innate gifts, sharing their Unique Mystique, and owning their oracular majik!

With the powerful tools and understandings made available through light alchemy, quantum mechanics, ancient majik and ritual, aelf-Accountable awareness & action, and a deeply attuned relationship with the field around us, we can truly shift our experience of the world to a place of great wonderment, abundance, enjoyment, and delight!

Let’s traverse the expansive landscapes where humanity and majik meet, where science and spirituality dance, exploring the ancient wisdom of frequency majik, alchemy, transcendence, and the beauty way, alongside quantum physics, neuroscience, quantum biology, the human psyche, the nervous system, and the human experience.

Let’s explore together, ignite our curiosity, and be part of a collective conversation that transcends the ordinary. Together, we’ll chart the uncharted and celebrate the wondrous tapestry of our shared multidimensional journey.

Excited to dive in with you!

With Love and Majik,

About Us
About Us

About Pippa

Pippa La Doube is a leader of the light and creative wayfarer in the world. She is a creative alchemist, artist, and crystalline starstress who is dedicated to bringing beauty, refined visual alchemy, and high frequency love codes to the world, creating an encoded environment where love leads the way.

She is a South African born Australian artist, alchemist, creative visionary, writer, and soul-centred coach who is deeply devoted to humanity, love, creativity, empowerment, luminosity, transformation, love, majik, spiritual & emotional evolution and ascension and authentic expression.

She is a skilled alchemist and has been initiated into the high arts of Lightcode majik and channels in collaboration with higher realm Lemurian, Blue Avian, Fae, Angelic, Arcturian, Andromedean, Lyran, Sirian, Lightbeam Dragons and Pleidean councils of light and the ethereal soul family of her clients.

Since finishing her Bachelor of Visual Arts in 2004, Pippa has been walking in the creative world. As an avid world traveler, she has worked as a circus performer & instructor, yoga instructor, quantum healer, meditation facilitator, soul-coach, writer, artist, online media designer, web designer and dancer across the globe.

Pippa has been creating within the power-preneur world for nearly 20 years, focusing primarily the majik and visual alchemy, creating lightcode and soul code alchemy, encoded artworks, encoded media graphics, and light language scripts. She utilises the blend of her highly attuned majikal & creative channel, with grounded technical knowledge to bring encoded, personalised, heart centred solutions to clients that are frequency encoded, technically innovative and creatively inspired.

Pippa is a writer for several e – zines. She has been a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, published The Good Men Project and her work is featured in a Women’s Youth Empowerment curriculum in Germany. Her writing explores psychological understanding, emotional and spiritual evolution & ascension, our vibrational universe and its relationship with human energetics and experience.

Pippa loves doggies, tangelos, the ocean, frequency majik, beauty, alchemy, soulful evolution & ascension, turquoise and the sound of crickets in the forest.

About Us

Mission & Vision


Let’s Co-Create a New Way Together!

Simply by being you, you bring incredible value for the world! Collectively, we are the wayfarers of a New Way, with your heart and soul playing a vital role in humanity’s journey towards a new expression and embodiment. Each of us carries unique frequencies and codes, destined to guide the world into a paradigm of Love.

Together, we are Birthing a New World!

Across the globe, we are witnessing Beautiful Beings embracing the magnificence of their hearts, sharing their wonderful selves with the world, and connecting to the potent frequencies of Love that unite our communities. Every breath creates ripples of transformative Love.

This is what I am here for

I am here to bring majik, alchemy, beauty, light, and high-frequency codes to the world, fostering an environment where Love leads the way.

Through high-frequency Lightcodes and Transformative Mentorship, Elestial Arts Creative Studios is here to shepard and anchor this new way with you. By weaving refined and crystalline frequencies through the field, we co-create new, higher realm timelines of Love and Beauty for humanity and our cosmos.

It is my absolute pleasure and honor to co-create with beautiful beings around the world, infusing their lives, offerings, and the world itself with beauty, majik, and refined crystalline love.

Through the powerful interweaving of your world and the quantum realm (whether through private bespoke creations or creations from the Library), I am here to support radiant Star Light Beings, like yourself, weave their highest frequencies through their existence.

Embolden Your Highest Expression, Live A Life Of Alignment And Love, And Beam The Beautiful Light That You Were Born To Radiate!

About Us

I am Passionate About Working With:

People and businesses who…
△ Radiate positive impact in the world with their heartfelt contributions
△ Cherish and embody the vibrational nature of our universe & existence
△ Blend alchemy & majik, infusing aligned, self-accountable action into their vision actualisation
△ Celebrate Love, Majik, Life, and the Joyful Art of Living
△ Cultivate Abundant Living, graciously sharing their Soul Gifts with the world, wrapped in love, grace, and ease.
△ Recognise that appreciation and gratitude are powerful architects of the world
△ Journey through soul evolution, emotional growth, and divine ascension with grace and love
△ Walk, Dance Breathe as wayfarers of a New Earth
△ Reverently follow soul alignment and higher love’s guidance
△ Embrace love, kindness, compassion, and generosity in their daily lives
△ Honor self, soul, and others with humility
△ Shine brilliantly and inspire others to do the same
△ Bring compassion and a listening heart to differences in our world
△ Offer divine and sacred service to humanity with devotion
△ Hold the hearts and souls of their remarkable clients in sacred regard
△ Effortlessly attract abundance in all its forms
△ Foster continuous innovation and growth
△ Understand the strength in unity, believing in lifting, inspiring, and cheering each other on
△ Empower others and contribute positively to the world through their offerings
△ Embrace the essence of beauty, soul alignment, and graceful living
△ Have powerful heart-centered frequency that vibrates with the unique codes of their spectacular heart, soul essence & innate gifts

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I am ready to co-create majik with you
& I would love to apply now

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